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Estrogen Dominance and Diet

While genetics may play a part in it, Estrogen Dominance and Diet (lifestyle) seems to be the biggest culprit to our experiencing hormonal imbalance.  A diet that consists of refined white flour and sugar, high fat and low fiber, artificial sweeteners and food colorings, as well as lack of exercise, can all promote metabolic irregularities that can lead to other problems such as insulin resistance, obesity, digestive issues, and cardiovascular disease.

Stress also plays a major role in the over production of estrogen by triggering excess release of cortisol, which causes an interruption of communication between the brain, the pituitary gland, and the ovaries that regulate the hormones.  Stress is not only in the relationship arena but also in the dietary stress you put on the liver and other organs.  Fatty liver is a main factor in Estrogen Dominance and Diet.  Milk Thistle Liver Cleanse is formulated to clear the liver of excess fatty deposits.  This allows the body to repair the damage which brought on the Estrogen Dominance.

All this to say that making some good dietary changes, finding ways to alleviate your stress and cleanse and detox are a great place to start the battle against estrogen dominance.  Remember that balancing progesterone is key to helping to bring your hormones back into a healthy balance.    If you have been stressing your hormones for some time and believe you might have adrenal burnout of adrenal fatigue read more about Adrenal Care.

Good hormonal balance translates into increased energy, increased libido, the ability to control your weight, a youthful appearance and just an overall sense of well-being.

No one wants to experience the uncomfortable and disruptive symptoms of estrogen or progesterone imbalance.  Estrogen Dominance and Diet can play an very important role to restoring balance in your life.

Let me suggest a great movie called “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.”  It changed my life and that of millions of others.  It is free to watch online and on Netflix.  Let Joe tell you how to

Effects of Estrogen Imbalance

Ever stop to consider that you may be experiencing the effects of estrogen imbalance?

Estrogen imbalance affects mostly women nearing menopause (called pre-menopause or peri-menopause, those in  menopause and those beyond but can also affect women in their 20’s, 30’s, and 40’s.   The chances are good that you experience some measure of imbalance due to lifestyle choices, age or environmental pollutants.   It is difficult to go unscathed.

Estrogen imbalance  and Xenaestrogens can also affect men. Men now suffer from something called andropause around the same time of life as women but we will stick to the ladies for this article.

Effects of estrogen imbalance concerning menopause often cause such uncomfortable symptoms as:  night sweats, memory problems, lethargic depression, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, painful intercourse, and increased bladder infections.   Read more about these in our article about Estrogen Imbalance and Menopause.

Millions of women will experience the effects of estrogen imbalance through excess estrogen caused by synthetic hormones including xenoestogens; man made chemicals in the environment that mimic estrogen in our bodies.  Xena meaning environmental or social.  This is called estrogen dominance and generally is tied to a lack of progesterone or the ability to manufacture proper progesterone levels.

There are two subsets of the effects of estrogen imbalance for the sake of this article:

  • Effects of estrogen imbalance due to excess; estrogen dominance as seen in examples such as PMS, PCOS, and peri-menopause.
  • Effects of estrogen imbalance due to diminishing estrogen levels in menopause and beyond.

Effects of estrogen imbalance due to estrogen dominance

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, you may be experiencing the effects of hormone imbalance:

  • allergy symptoms, depression, fatigue, anxiety, endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, hair loss and facial hair growth, decreased libido, osteoporosis, PMS to varying severities, recurring urinary tract infections along with incontinence, uterine fibroids, unexplained weight gain, water retention and/or bloating, skin that is wrinkly.  (Some of these overlap with menopausal symptoms.)

These are only a sampling of what you may experience if you have an estrogen imbalance; especially estrogen imbalance due to low progesterone.

Effects of estrogen imbalance due to diminishing estrogen levels in menopause and beyond.

Effects of estrogen imbalance concerning menopause often cause such uncomfortable symptoms as:  night sweats, memory problems, lethargic depression, vaginal dryness, hot flashes, painful intercourse, and increased bladder infections.   Read more about these in our article about Estrogen Imbalance and Menopause.   Typically women in the peri-menopause or the menopausal phase of life will experience these to a greater degree as progesterone naturally decreases.  Remember that estrogen dominance can also bring about these concerns in the 20s, 30s and 40s as well.

Estrogen Dominance is the name given to the dominating factor of estrogen over progesterone in this way; preventing hormonal balance of the two.    Low progesterone will inhibit the body from balancing the effects of estrogen imbalance.

Typically women in the peri-menopause or the menopausal phase of life will experience this to a greater degree as progesterone naturally decreases.  More about those symptoms in our article about Estrogen Dominance.

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Estrogen Dominance and Menopause

Estrogen Dominance and Diet

Estrogen Dominance



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